Monday, May 26, 2014

Innovation and Thought Leadership @ M2i for Sustainable Markets

Risk Management: Whether adapting global risk management frameworks used in banks to the Indian microfinance sector, or identifying ill effects of the presence of informal agents, or highlighting the need to track occurrence of hidden delinquency – M2i has been at the fore-front.

Holistic HR development: M2i has performed extensive research on Human Resource issues that organizations working in Bottom of the Pyramid markets face, asking questions such as:
1.       What is it that operational employees of organizations working for the economically underprivileged like about their jobs?
2.       What are the perceptions of these operational employees regarding their primary job-objectives?
3.       What are the sources of anxiety for such operational employees?

M2i has utilized this research to create specialized modules for operational employees on topics such as Motivation, Communication and Conflict Resolution. 

M2IDEA: Measurement, Modelling and Interpretation of Data for Effective Actions
M2i has developed a model of performing primary research which ensures accurate data collection, rigorous analysis and clear reporting. We call this model M2IDEA. It includes:
·         Optimal sampling strategy in line with research objectives
·         Simple questionnaires that avoid respondent fatigue and fetch accurate data
·         Training enumerators on data collection and data collection pilots
·         Data entry in validated forms to eliminate data-entry errors
·         Appropriate statistical analysis for robust and significant inferences
·         Clear presentation of results

ADDO assessment framework: M2i has developed the ADDO – Approval, Documentation, Dissemination, Observance – assessment framework that provides a comprehensive methodology to assess the congruence an organization displays between its strategic intent and its operational performance. The framework is illustrated below:

Approval – Organizational policies that reflect its strategic intent.
Documentation – Whether policies have been elaborated in documented guidelines?
Dissemination – Are the people within the organization aware of the strategic intent and their own role in achieving it?
Observance – Whether the strategic intent of the organization can be observed in its operational performance?

Code of Conduct Compliance Assessment (COCA): M2i pioneered the development of the code of conduct compliance assessment, performing the first of these assessments in the microfinance sector across the globe. Since the time the first COCA was performed by M2i in December 2010, these assessments have been used widely by banks and MFIs to assess adherence to ethical operational practices.