Addressing Capital Constraints Utilizing SPVs Created Under GOI's Enterprise Cluster Initiatives
Like any other
enterprise, microenterprises, too require risk capital. While equity is the
foremost form of risk capital, and could come from internal or external
sources, microenterprises face severe constraints in accessing it. Credit
guarantee schemes address the need for risk capital partially as these facilitate
the flow of loan funds into microenterprises. However, by their nature,
guarantees are invoked in cases of default and are not useful in making good
cashflow short falls which microenterprises experience, leading to difficulties
in paying back installments regularly. As a result, microenterprises remain
constrained for funds and are unable to adopt modern technologies and
practices. It is here that the government support for cluster development can
be leveraged. The support for creation of SPVs and CFCs represents government’s
equity in the enterprise clusters and can potentially address the lack of risk
capital. Moreover, this can also be used to attract more equity for the SPV
from institutional sources in the private and public sectors.