Sunday, August 09, 2009

Accessing wlefare programs of the Government

When I see a beggar in Delhi, what do I do? Am I aware of all the recourses this poor person has to be reasonably sure that begging in her/his case is a choice? In case it is a question of access to opportunities that may enable her/him to live a more dignified life, how can I help her/him? These are some of the questions that keep cropping up in my head and have got me to explore the headline welfare programs of the government. While I will post my observations gradually, I intend to follow the following framework:

1. Program details and origin
2. Agencies involved
3. Eligibility and conditions
4. Processes involved
a. Enrollment
b. Participation
c. Payment, remittance
5. Risks and mitigation
6. Recommendations
7. Present status
8. How can I help a poor person benefit from this program?

I welcome any suggestion on this framework.


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